Recover Quickly With Surgical Precision

Recover Quickly With Surgical Precision

Resiliency is an integral part of the IBM Z platform. The IBM Z Cyber Vault solution is a concept for addressing data corruption whether through malicious intent, human error or failure of hardware or software. This blog discusses one part of the software stack that brings added value to this resiliency solution. It provides some very specific functions and capabilities to make the recovery process simpler, faster, and less manual. Recover quickly with surgical precision.

When Catastrophe Strikes, Recover Data With Ease

When Catastrophe Strikes, Recover Data With Ease

This blog focuses on the dire circumstances of a catastrophic recovery involving the entire system. It provides some very specific functions and capabilities to make the recovery process simpler, faster, and less manual. Time is money; IZBR will help save both.

Predicting Chaos during Disruptive Times

Predicting Chaos during Disruptive Times

Expect to tell the stakeholders what you did and what you are going to do, in a language they can understand. Gartner has called this Explainable Artificial Intelligence – how the models draw conclusion and ways to make them actionable by being interpretable and explainable.