IBM Z JCL Expert
correct JCL errors and validate coding standards processes
Your expert assistant for validating mission critical JCL
Latest Version of IBM Z JCL Expert 1.2 released in Dec 2023
Product Features
Rapid validation of JCL before execution
Remote system validation including surrogate checking
New site-rules program supports site-specific JCL coding standards
Integrates with IBM Z Workload Scheduler
Integration with modern interfaces including Zowe’s CLI & API Mediation Layer
News and Updates
IBM JCL Expert: Product Demo
IBM Z® JCL Expert is a JCL checker tool for validating the syntax of JCL statements, procedures and jobs in the development environment already in use
IBM announces IBM Z JCL Expert 1.2
New release accelerates testing and production delivery of JCL streams and integration with IBM Z Workload Scheduler to help avoid false alerts.
accelerating the JCL Validation process
Application programmers know the pressures of building JCL for applications with no errors and staying compliant with site standards. And IT operators and schedulers must manage execution of thousands of batch streams without errors impacting service level commitments.
IBM® Z® JCL Expert is designed to validate and correct JCL and parameter syntax during testing, speeding up the process for delivery of new applications and functionality. This tool provides advanced JCL checking including site standard conformance verification by checking the JCL and utility parameter syntax online. Unlike other offerings, IBM Z JCL Expert performs JCL checking in the development environment already in use. It also provides a batch interface to check multiple JCLs simultaneously and a REST interface to automate the JCL checking.
For more information go directly to the IBM Product Page or book a consultation with one of our experts.

Make syntax errors a thing of the past
IBM Z JCL Expert allows users to validate and format multiple JCL procedures across various LPARs.
Make syntax errors a thing of the past
IBM Z JCL Expert allows users to validate and format multiple JCL procedures across various LPARs.
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