Performance Analysts and Operations Managers are constantly on the lookout for indications in performance, operations, and system health data to determine if there are signs of looming problems . IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics’ (IZPCA) Health Metrics Scorecard delivers instant clarity and actionable insights at a glance. Just one of many features of IZPCA that keeps your system running optimally.
Primary Features
Disruptions caused by downtimes for any length of time lead to significant business impact. IZPCA’s Health Metric Scorecard reviews multiple indicators for any selected timeframe to give the environment a regular checkup and guides you where to focus efforts to improve peformance.

Full Health Metrics Scorecard
Delivers instant clarity and actionable insights at a glance

Expertly curated but fully customizable.

View the max value for that day.

Assess the rule’s health based on predefined threshold.

View the max value for the past 5 days.

Drill Down
Select the rule to understand the data behind the color.

Show Only Red
Filter through the red to find the exact issue.

REACH OUT TO REDUCE YOUR operational complexity
IZPCA streamlines data curation to improve system management and accelerate issue resolution. Quickly detect performance and capacity anomalies with advanced analytics and low processing overhead.
For more information go directly to the IBM Product Page or book a consultation with one of our performance and capacity experts.
REACH OUT TO REDUCE YOUR operational complexity
IZPCA streamlines data curation to improve system management and accelerate issue resolution. Quickly detect performance and capacity anomalies with advanced analytics and low processing overhead.
For more information go directly to the IBM Product Page or book a consultation with one of our performance and capacity experts.
More on iZPCA
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VIDEO: IHealth Metrics Scorecard for Db2
IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics’ (IZPCA) Health Metrics Scorecard delivers instant clarity and actionable insights at a glance. Just one of many features of IZPCA that keeps your system running optimally.
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