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Today, I am thrilled to announce that 21st Century Software has entered into an agreement with IBM® under which 21st Century Software has licensed the most recent source code for the z/VSE® operating system and middleware stack for IBM Z®. 21st Century Software...

IBM z16: The Ideal Platform for VSE Business Needs

IBM z16: The Ideal Platform for VSE Business Needs

by Gonzalo Muelas Serrano I look forward to IBM announcements for a very simple reason - every new mainframe announcement offers fresh proof of IBM's ongoing investment in, and commitment to, the platform. The recent IBM z16 unveiling, coupled with 21st Century...

IBM z16: The Ideal Platform for VSE Business Needs

IBM z16: The Ideal Platform for VSE Business Needs

The recent IBM z16 unveiling, coupled with 21st Century Software’s announcement of VSEn 6.3 in March, provides VSE users with all the more reason to confidently move ahead with VSEn and IBM zSystems servers.

21st Century Software Announces VSEn V6.3

21st Century Software Announces VSEn V6.3

21st Century Software today announced its first version of the VSE operating system (OS)—which enters the market under the name: VSEn V6.3 with planned availability for May 17, 2022.

21st Century Software is a leader in the development of mainframe software solutions, linking the past to the future in support of the mainframe ecosystem.

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